FTP sluggy

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Alan Hord, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. Greetings Everleap -

    I'm backing up my website before I revamp the whole layout. FTP down to my Windows folder through File Explorer is dog-pokey slow.

    However - if I delete a directory on the server full of content - that occurs very quickly.

    Should I use another tool other than Windows File Explorer (I feel my ears burning as I ask this...). At the rate I'm going - this could be an all-nighter (I'm joking... maybe).

    Thank you. Honestly - I have no other complaints :D
  2. mjp


    Sometimes downloading via Windows File Explorer can cause your anti-virus to check every file, which can really slow things down (in my experience, anyway). So that could be one possibility. Depends on how your anti-virus is configured.

    You might try something like Filezilla that can be configured to download/upload as many as 10 files simultaneously (Edit > Settings > Transfers).

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