How to Restore MSSQL DB from other server

Discussion in 'Databases' started by cagilferreiro, Sep 9, 2017.

  1. Hello

    I'm just hiring with Everleap, and I'm trying to restore MSSQL Server databases that were on another server. What is the procedure to restore them?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Ray Huang

    Ray Huang Everleap staff

    You can upload your database backup file using an FTP client like FileZilla. Place it in the Database Backup folder and restore it using the tools in the Control Panel:

    1) Log into the Everleap Control Panel
    2) Select Databases -> MS SQL in the drop down menu on top.
    3) Create your database.
    4) After you have created your database, there should be a restore option to restore your backup.
    mjp likes this.
    1. Log onto SQL Server Management Studio
    2. Navigate to the database you wish to restore.
    3. Right Click > Tasks > Restore > Database.
    4. Once on the General tab set the source to Device > Select Backup Device > Add > Navigate to the .bak file you're restoring to.
    5. Ensure The Destination Database is the correct one.

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