SMTP email restrictions?

Discussion in 'Questions about Everleap' started by BBL Systems, May 26, 2015.

  1. We have a .net cloud application that should be able to send emails, but it doesn't and we're wondering if we're being blocked by a firewall.

    We're trying to connect to, on port 2525.

    Should we be able to connect to that server on that port?
  2. mjp


    There's nothing blocking your outbound connection. Whether you can connect to that server on that port is really up to that server. It doesn't (shouldn't) have anything to do with where the connection originates.

    Will the application do any logging to see where it fails?
  3. Frankc

    Frankc Everleap staff

    We actually do have outbound restriction. Please open a support ticket.

    Sorry for the conflicting answer to your question.
  4. mjp


    Well there you go then. Mea culpa.

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