Are there any restrictions using the 30 day trial?

Discussion in 'Questions about Everleap' started by Chuck, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. I'm writing a VS app to upload and download files from my site, but get the "The remote server returned an error: (530) Not logged in." error message when passing my request's GetResponse method. It doesn't appear to like my credentials even though they match what I have in FileZilla. Yes, I've normalized my username and password. :) Is there a setting I need to know about in my site's control panel?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. Well, after 7 hours, I answered my own question, so here's to helping someone who runs into the same issue. Because my default username has a backslash ("\") in it, I needed to prefix my username with an @ sign. Ugh....I hate days like today. :)
    Martin Ortega and Ray Huang like this.

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