Everleap is fantastic but if you offered a european location like you did with the discountASP hosting it would be great as the latency would be much less for european users.
We may do that. As you might imagine, the cost of setting up an Azure Pack platform is significantly higher than setting up a traditional hosting platform. Our UK data center hosts a relatively small percentage of our customer base, so duplicating the Everleap set up over there from day one wasn't part of the plan. But it may happen eventually. If you're concerned with latency you might want to check out the SiteLock TrueSheild CDN that we just made available. Hosting even your static files on a CDN does amazing things for site speed. Dynamic file CDN hosting is also available. It's pretty cool.
Hello, I just found this post as I'm looking for a solution for latencie problem. I'm terribly pleased with Everleap's services ! Everything is perfect Everleap is the only web host I found that could manage .NET/core with Angular integrate in the same project. My only concern (unfortunately a big one!), as I'm based in Europe, is the latencies when charging the DB linked pages (users can add images in the DB from their account). My pages need several minutes to display :-/ (and this is only the beta version, so there isn't a lot of data yet) I have tried the SiteLock TrueSheild CDN (cloudflare) but it doesn't change anything. Do you think you will be able to provide a hosting in Europe in the close future ? Or would you have any other advice for me to help solve this issue ? Thank you so much
We offer UK Web hosting on our Discountasp.net web hosting services. If you like we can try migrating your site to one of the servers in the UK for free. You will need to set up a discountasp.net site account. You can use this promo code to sign up: https://www.discountasp.net/promotions/6-months-free/ Just contact our support department and we'll get you settled in.